Psychotherapeutic yoga is offered for adults and is a wonderful addition to your mental health care. Psychotherapeutic yoga can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and increase overall well being. Yoga for mental health is also used to help treat trauma, body image issues, eating disorders, and panic attacks. Techniques are learned that can be utilized at home and instruction is personalized and compassionate. Yoga for mental health is appropriate for all ages and level of fitness.
Your yoga sessions will be tailored to your specific needs. Postures are gentle and you will be successful even if you have never stepped on a yoga mat. In addition to gentle postures, you will learn mindfulness and breathing techniques. Visualizations unique to your specific needs may also be incorporated.
Psychotherapeutic yoga may be used in addition to counseling sessions or as a stand alone therapy.
Psychotherapeutic yoga and yoga for mental health are based on the credentialing standards of ACA and the Texas Department of State Health Services and not derived from Carmen's RYS status with Yoga Alliance.